Warm Up and Cool Down


A Levels Physical Education (Physiology And Anatomy) Mind Map on Warm Up and Cool Down, created by danny-hudson97 on 01/07/2014.
Mind Map by danny-hudson97, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by danny-hudson97 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Warm Up and Cool Down
  1. Stages of a warm up
    1. Phase 1
      1. Pulse Raiser
        1. It increases the delivery of O2 to the muscles and it increases muscle temp.
      2. Phase 2
        1. Stretching exercises.
          1. To Avoid pulling any muscles
        2. Phase 3
          1. Sport – specific or skill based activity
        3. Physiological effects on the Muscular system.
          1. Warm Up
            1. Increased muscle temperature
              1. Increased elasticity of muscle fibres.
                1. Increased speed and force of contraction, due to faster conduction of nerve impulses
                  1. Haemoglobin releases oxygen in muscle tissue more readily
                  2. Cool Down
                    1. Faster removal of lactic acid from fast twitch muscle fibres
                      1. Faster removal of carbon dioxide from muscle tissue
                        1. A reduction in the risk of delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS) caused by connective muscles damage
                      2. Cool Down
                        1. Purpose
                          1. To keep the metabolic rate high and capillaries dilated, so that O2 can flush through the muscles, removing and oxidising lactic acid.
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