

Mind Map on SAB9#97_Acquire_Project_Teams, created by Gerson Ramírez on 04/03/2016.
Gerson Ramírez
Mind Map by Gerson Ramírez, updated more than 1 year ago
Gerson Ramírez
Created by Gerson Ramírez over 8 years ago

Resource summary



  • ''Adquirir el Equipo Final del Proyecto''
  1. Human Resources management Plan
    1. Enterprise Environment Factors
      1. Organizational Process Asets
        1. • Know what resources are pre-allocated to the project and confirm availability
          1. • Negotiate obtaining the best possible resources
            1. • Hiring new employees
              1. • Hiring external to the performing organization through the process of hiring resources: outsourcing
                1. Understand the possibilities and problems of the use of virtual teams, ie teams formed by people who never or almost never meet in person
                  1. • Manage risk that resources are not available when needed
          2. The composition of the final project team may have different forms
            1. Dedicated
              1. Part-time
                1. Partnership
                  1. Virtual
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