ICT Unit 1: Topic 1


Mind Map on ICT Unit 1: Topic 1, created by themisfits on 04/16/2013.
Mind Map by themisfits , updated more than 1 year ago
Created by themisfits almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

ICT Unit 1: Topic 1
  1. Data and Quality of Data
    1. Data, Information and Knowledge
      1. Data- Raw facts and figures with no meaning. Data can be numbers, text, images or sound
        1. Information- Data that has been processed by the computer.
          1. Data+Meaning+Context=Information
          2. Knowledge- Information that has had rules applied to it
          3. GIGO
            1. Stands for Garbage in Garbage Out
              1. It means if you input rubbish data into the computer then you will get rubbish data out
              2. Processing
                1. Performing calculations or arranging the data into a meaningful order
                2. Transaction
                  1. A piece of buisness
                    1. E.g. an order, purchase, or transfer of money
                3. Encoding and Storing Data
                  1. Encoding
                    1. Assigning codes to the data to reduce it's size
                      1. E.g. S=Small, M=Medium, L=Large
                        1. E.g. LHR= London Heathrow, MAN= Manchester
                        2. Advantages
                          1. Takes up less storage space
                            1. Easily Transferable
                              1. Easier to back-up
                              2. Disadvantages
                                1. Easily stolen
                                  1. Training is needed
                                    1. Security problems
                                  2. Data Validation
                                    1. Errors that can be made
                                      1. Transcription Error
                                        1. Error made when typing in data using a document as the source of data
                                          1. e.g. mishearing what a person says over the phone and entering it into the computer
                                          2. Transposition Error
                                            1. Error made when characters are swapped around so they are in the wronng order
                                              1. e.g. writing tumlbr instead of tumblr
                                            2. Validation Checks
                                              1. Check Digit
                                                1. A decimal number or alphanumeric character added to a number for the purpose of detecting the sorts of error humans normally make on data entry
                                                  1. e.g. Account numbers will have check digits to check that the numbers entered are correct
                                                  2. Range Check
                                                    1. checks that data inputted is within a certain range
                                                      1. e.g. when signing up for facebook you have to be 13 or older,so anyone with the birth year below 2000 would not be allowed to sign up
                                                      2. Presence Check
                                                        1. used to check that the correct data is entered into the correct fields
                                                          1. e.g. entering a username and password
                                                          2. Verification Checks are used to restrict the data that a user can enter to reduce errors
                                                        2. Data Verification
                                                          1. Pairty Check
                                                            1. used to make sure that the data sent is the same as the data that is received when data is transmitted from one computer to another
                                                              1. e.g sending an email from one person to another
                                                              2. Data verification checks that the data being entered into the system perfectly matches the source of data
                                                                1. e.g. checking text/data in an email and making sure when the other user receives it there are no errors
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