Tourism 1


GCSE Tourism Unit Year 11 Spec B
Eloise Jrg
Mind Map by Eloise Jrg, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Scott Church
Created by Scott Church over 8 years ago
Eloise Jrg
Copied by Eloise Jrg over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Tourism 1
    1. International Tourism-Holiday/visit away from own country
      1. Sustainable Tourism-Aims to protect the environment as well as respecting local cultures and customs
        1. Transport more accessible: cheap flights, more airports built, long haul flights
          1. Technology advanced: book flights online, compare using comparable websites
            1. Different types of holidays: family, adults, young, school/educational
              1. TV travel programmes raised peoples expectations
                1. Cheap flights, and package deals which are cheaper
                2. ***BLACKPOOL***
                  1. Location: Northwest of England. Popular as Manchester and Liverpool only hour and a half away. County of Lancashire and airport near by
                    1. Human
                      1. -Blackpool tower -Blackpool zoo -Pleasure beach roller coaster -Illuminations -Blackpool Pier -Pepsi Max Coaster
                      2. Physical
                        1. -Beach -Location (near Manchester & Liverpool)
                      3. Info: Blackpool became popular for tourists as it's very accessible. 1846, railway was built, peoples wages increases meaning they were able to go on holidays more. 1850's, people believed in healing waters in Blackpool. 1870's people were able to work 5 days a week, meaning holidays on weekend. 1894, Blackpool tower was built. Blackpool has decreased in tourists lately as short haul flights are so cheap. £300m was spent rejuvenating Blackpool in 2000. They built a super casino, however attracted the wrong type of tourists. Brilliance lighting at night in town. John's Square. Houndshill Shopping Centre and the beach also.
                      4. BUTLER'S MODEL
                        1. 1. Exploration - Small number of tourists visit area
                          1. 2. Involvement - Local people are starting to become involved with it and provide some services/facilities (e.g cafe/ picnic area)
                            1. 3. Development - Changes for the better. The area becomes recognised as a tourist destination
                              1. 4. Consolidation - The area is attracting many tourists but it's not growing as fast as it did before and levelling out
                                1. 5. Stagnation - The facilities decline as they become old and run down. Tourists number declines
                                  1. 6. Rejuvenation - Money spent in the area so tourist numbers increase
                                    1. 6. Decline - If the resort is not rejuvenated then it will go into decline, people loose jobs and image suffers
                                    2. IMPACTS OF TOURISM
                                      1. Benefits
                                        1. Tourists spend money in the local area (shops, restaurants, hotels). Creates jobs (hotel, chef, staff, maid). Community benefits from facilities. Multiplier effect - improved image, more people, more money, more facilities. More culture meaning more tolerence
                                        2. Costs
                                          1. Pollution by cars. Litter. Traffic/Congestion. Noise from drunken. Pickpocketing and crime. Loss of culture (McDonalds near Pyramids of Egypt). Money leaked back to other countries through imports.
                                        3. **KENYA MASS TOURISM**
                                          1. Why visit?
                                            1. Tribal culture, Wildlife (big 5, rhino, lion, elephant, buffalo and leopard)
                                              1. Warm climate all year round.
                                                1. Beautiful scenery - Savannah, mountains, forests, beaches and coral reefs.
                                                2. Positives
                                                  1. Economic
                                                      1. Social
                                                        1. Environmental
                                                          1. There are 23 National Parks in Kenya.
                                                        2. Negatives
                                                          1. Economic
                                                            1. Only 15% of the money earned through tourism goes to locals. The rest goes to big companies.
                                                            2. Social
                                                              1. Some Maasai tribespeople were forced off their land to create National parks for tourists.
                                                                1. Some Muslims in Kenya are offended by the way female tourists dress.
                                                                2. Environmental
                                                                  1. **MASS TOURISM**
                                                                    1. Mass tourism is ORGANISED tourism for LARGE NUMBERS of people. Mostly PACKAGE HOLIDAYS.
                                                                      1. Positives
                                                                        1. Social
                                                                          1. Lots of jobs means young people are more likely to stay in the area.
                                                                            1. Improved roads, communications and infrastructure for tourists also benefit the local people.
                                                                              1. Income from tourism can be reinvested in local community projects.
                                                                              2. Environmental
                                                                                1. Income from tourism can be reinvested in protecting the environment.
                                                                                2. Economic
                                                                                  1. It brings money to the local economy.
                                                                                    1. It creates jobs for local people, and increases the income of industries that supply tourism e.g farming.
                                                                                  2. Negatives
                                                                                    1. Social
                                                                                      1. The tourism jobs available to locals often pay bad and are only seasonal.
                                                                                        1. Traffic congestion caused by tourists can inconvenience local people.
                                                                                          1. The behaviour of tourists can offend locals.
                                                                                          2. Environmental
                                                                                            1. Transporting lots of people long distances releases lots of greenhouse gases that cause global warming.
                                                                                              1. Tourism can increase litter and cause pollution.
                                                                                                1. Tourism can lead to destruction of habitat.
                                                                                                2. Economic
                                                                                                  1. A lot of the profit made from tourism is kept by the large travel companies, rather than going to the local people.
                                                                                                  2. WAYS TO REDUCE NEGATIVES
                                                                                                    1. Improving public transport encourages tourists to use it, which reduces congestion and pollution.
                                                                                                      1. Limiting the number of people visiting sensitive environments.
                                                                                                        1. Providing lots of bins helps reduce litter.
                                                                                                      2. Why tourism needs to be maintained
                                                                                                        1. Areas that rely heavily on tourism need to make sure the tourists keep coming.
                                                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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