Music Video idea


Mind Map on Music Video idea, created by 07delvesl on 13/01/2014.
Mind Map by 07delvesl, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 07delvesl over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Music Video idea
  1. The editing will be at a slow pace to match the rhythm of the song using fades and more kinetic transitions rather than cuts. This will make the edit feel more fluent which will fit the music better than harsh cuts.
    1. More cuts introduced and the pace of the editing increases as the song picks up towards the end
    2. As the song is slow the video may appear to be slow and boring so I would like to incorporate multiple camera shots with some movement in them to add more energy to the video, but I will also have still shots using multiple camera angles and also a large variation in shot lengths.
      1. For the location I would like to use a large open space such as a park as this will allow me to make some wide angle and establishing shots. For the narrative aspect of the music video I will use a much more urban environment such as a high street as it will work well with setting the tone of the music video. And for some performance shots I will use a darkened room again helping create the atmosphere.
        1. The mise en scene of the video will be very dark and gloomy however it will slowly become lighter towards the end
          1. This will be done through using dark colours and lighting and maybe a low saturation or black and white.
          2. The general idea will be based upon the title of the song which is smoke, so the video will have a very smokey misty feel to it. The shots will be partially of the performers but there will also be cutaways to a narrative within the video.
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