Music video idea 3


Mind Map on Music video idea 3, created by 07delvesl on 13/01/2014.
Mind Map by 07delvesl, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 07delvesl over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Music video idea 3
  1. The final music video will be very surreal and abstract to visually create the lyrics of the song
    1. The music video will have various false colours and lots of distorted imagery to enhance the persona of the artist but also the messages within the song
      1. The video will have a mixture of performance and narrative, however the performance may be incorporated into the narrative itself to create a more dynamic flow between the two parts of the music video.
        1. There will be no cuts in the music video, one continuous shot where the cast will artistically and visually transition themselves to show the progression of the narrative. This will allow a greater focus on the visual effects during post production to create a more aestheticall pleasing piece.
          1. The cast will be filmed upon a green screen, allowing me to fully adjust the background footage to suit the song at the current time. The background can also artistically interact with the cast to create the surreal abstract tones.
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