

Chemistry Mind Map on ketones, created by lily anna stokes on 17/04/2013.
lily anna stokes
Mind Map by lily anna stokes, updated more than 1 year ago
lily anna stokes
Created by lily anna stokes about 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Suffix '-one'
    1. Parent chain is longest unbranched Carbon chain
      1. C=O is numbered to show position so the smallest no. is used
    2. Reacts
      1. Different to alkenes as O in C=O is more elecronegative than C
        1. Creates a Dipole as bonded electrons are drawn towards O
        2. Reduction
          1. Reduced to secondary alcohols by naBH4
            1. By neucleophillic Addition
              1. BH4- ion acts as hydride ion source (:H-)
                1. Electron defficient C+ in polar C=O gets attacked by :H-
                  1. At same time C=O breaks producing a negatively charged intermediate
                    1. Intermediate donates electron pair to a H from H2O
                      1. This forms a dative covalent bond and a OH-
                        1. The organic addition product is an alcohol
        3. C-C=O
          1. Aromatics
            1. Pehnylethanone
            2. Production
              1. Oxidised from secondary alcohols, CANNOT be oxidised further
                1. Suitable oxidising agent acidified dichromate; H+/Cr2O7 2-
              2. Tests
                1. 2,4-DNP (Brady's reagent)
                  1. Yellow or Orange precipitate is formed
                    1. No precipitate formed with COOH or O=C-O
                      1. Precipitate Is impure so is filtred and recrystallised to produce a pure sample
                        1. Filtred again and left to dry
                          1. Melting point is measured and recorded
                            1. Melting point compared to known samples on a database
                      2. Confirms C=O functional group
                      3. Tollens' Reagent
                        1. No reaction indicates a Ketone is present
                          1. Made by addition of NaOH(aq) to AgNO3(aq) until brown silver oxide precipitate is formed
                            1. Dilute NH39aq) added until precipitate dissolves
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