

Undergraduate Biotechnology in Animal Physiology Mind Map on Transgenics, created by Lydia Buckmaster on 19/01/2014.
Lydia Buckmaster
Mind Map by Lydia Buckmaster, updated more than 1 year ago
Lydia Buckmaster
Created by Lydia Buckmaster over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Cross species transfer of genetic material
    1. A transgenic animal is genetically modified to contain a gene from another species (including gene addition, removal or modification)
      1. Aim is to produce a stable and heritable change in the genetic makeup of an animal
        1. Knock ins
          1. Placing genes at specific loci
          2. Knock outs
            1. Removing genes
            2. Used to control gene function, increase disease resistance, modify metabolism or production traits and to produce pharmaceuticals
              1. Xenotransplantation
                1. Transplantation of living cells, tissues or organs from one species to another
              2. Methods of Producing Transgenic Animals
                1. Pronuclear Injection
                  1. DNA extracted for the gene of interest
                    1. Several hundred copies are injected directly into one (or both) pronuclei of the fertilised zygote
                      1. Integration of many copies tends to happen at a single random point during the many rounds of replication of the cells
                        1. After injection, the embryos are returned directly to a surrogate
                    2. 10-20% success rate in mice
                      1. 1-10% success rate in farm animals
                        1. Most animals produced are not transgenic
                          1. There is great variation in transgene expression between transgenic individuals
                            1. Genes can be added, but not removed, and the flock/herd development is very slow
                          2. Sperm-Mediated Gene Transfer
                            1. Demembranated spermatids are incubated with the DNA and then injected into oocytes
                              1. Alternatively, mouse spermatocytes have been removed, transfected in culture and transplanted back into the mouse, making transgenic sperm
                                1. ICSI is used
                                  1. Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection
                                    1. The egg is held in place using suction and the sperm is injected into the cytoplasm of the egg
                                  2. Sperm
                                    1. Cheaper, easier, less equipment and skill required
                                    2. Spermatids
                                      1. More efficient than a pronuclear injection, but it is more difficult to perform ICSI
                                      2. Spermatocytes
                                        1. Difficult to produce the transgenic male, but can then be used in natural breeding (easier)
                                        2. Genes can only be added, not removed, except for in transfected spermatocytes
                                          1. Random integration of DNA results in highly variable expression of the transfected DNA
                                            1. Generation times of farm animals are wuite long, so reliance on natural breeding is time consuming
                                        3. Embryonic Stem Cells
                                          1. Can be kept in culture almost indefinitely and so are useful for homologous recombination
                                            1. Useful for modelling human diseases in mice, looking at gene structure and function, and to study cell differentiation
                                              1. Mouse ESCs can be transfected with a new gene in culture, micro-injected into a blastocyst and then implanted into a surrogate mouse
                                                1. F1 generation are bred for germline transmission, creating ES-derived and non-ES derived offspring
                                                  1. ES-derived offspring are bred to homozygosity
                                                    1. Results in the incorporation of a new gene into a species
                                              2. Nuclear Transfer
                                                1. Reconstruction of an embryo via the transfer of genetic material from a donor cell to an enucleated recipient egg, from which the original genetic material has been removed
                                                  1. Creates a copy of the animal the donor cell came from
                                                  2. Can be performed with embryonic and somatic cells
                                                    1. Nucleus is transferred, de-differentiation occurs where the somatic genes are turned off and the somatic chromatin marks
                                                      1. All animals are transgenic
                                                        1. Allows the first generation produced to be transgenic
                                                        2. Example
                                                          1. Polly the sheep
                                                            1. First transgenic cloned lamb
                                                          2. Allows pre-selection of high expression cells
                                                            1. Mammary cells can be cultured, and a human gene added with a marker
                                                              1. The cell with the highest expression of the gene of interest can then be identified and cloned, before carrying out nuclear transfer
                                                        3. Transgenic animals can also be used for producing antibodies, as an alternative to bacterial systems
                                                          1. The animals can be created to produce high levels of certain antibodies, which they then expel in bodily fluids like blood, milk and urine
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