Microbes KS3 Y8


y8 end of year exams
Mind Map by Clumsy9, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Clumsy9 almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Microbes KS3 Y8
  1. Small organism which is found in viruses and diseases
    1. Fungi
      1. Algae
        1. Bacteria
          1. Viruses
            1. Protozoa
            2. Bacteria
              1. Made of one cell
                1. Gain nutrition by feeding on dead material and decomposers
                  1. Reproduce by binary fission
                    1. Has a cell wall or cytoplasm
                      1. No nucleus
                      2. Algae
                        1. Gain nutrition by photosynthesis
                          1. Has a cell wall
                          2. Protozoa
                            1. Belongs to the protista kingdom
                              1. Amoeba has a nucleus
                                1. Amoebas are composed of just one cell
                                  1. They are protozoans with no fixed shape
                                  2. Amoeba has no cell wall
                                  3. Fungi
                                    1. Doesn't belong to the plant kingdom
                                      1. Yeast differs as it only has 1 cell but moulds have a lot of cells
                                        1. Yeast reproduce by budding
                                      2. A network of mould hyphae are called mycelium
                                      3. Viruses
                                        1. Not considered as living microbes
                                          1. Don't complete seven life processes
                                            1. Reproduce by hijacking other cells
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