Systems of Linear Equations


Mind Map on Systems of Linear Equations, created by robinkated on 02/09/2014.
Mind Map by robinkated, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by robinkated almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Systems of Linear Equations
  1. Graphing
    1. The answer is the ordered pair of the location where the two (or more) lines collide
      1. Steps of Graphing:1) put into y=mx+b form 2) graph equation 3) the intersection point is the solution
      2. Elimination
        1. solved by adding (or subtracting)
          1. a+ b=8 -a+5b=10
          2. If no variables can be added or subtracted, then multiply a number through the entire equation, so that the variables can cancel out.
            1. For subtracting, multiply a negative through the entire equation to add instead.
          3. Substitution
            1. solved by substituting an expression or equation for a variable
              1. x=5+2y AND 3x+y=8 SO, 3(5+2y)+y=8
              2. Steps of Substitution: 1) Isolate a variable 2) Substitute the expression for isolated variable into the other equation 3) Solve for that variable 4) Plug solution back into either original equation 5)Check in both equations

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