Higher Chemistry - Bonding


Mind Map on Higher Chemistry - Bonding, created by Matthew Orr on 12/02/2014.
Matthew Orr
Mind Map by Matthew Orr, updated more than 1 year ago
Matthew Orr
Created by Matthew Orr over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Higher Chemistry - Bonding
  1. Intermolecular
    1. Van der Waals
      1. When a temporary dipole is created in the atom by electrons becoming localised
        1. The bigger the atom, the stronger the force
          1. Only have an effect when there is nothing else between molecules
          2. Polar-polar Attractions
            1. When two permanent dipoles in two polar covalent molecules are attracted to each other
              1. The more polar the bond, the stronger the attraction
              2. Hydrogen Bonds
                1. A very strong polar-polar attraction involving Fluorine, Oxygen or Nitrogen
                  1. Atoms on either side of the Hydrogen must be Oxygen, Fluorine or Nitrogen
                2. Intramolecular
                  1. Polar Covalent
                    1. When two atoms with different electronegativity values share a pair of electrons
                      1. The bigger the difference in electronegativity, the more polar the bond
                      2. Pure Covalent
                        1. When two atoms with the same elctronegativity value share a pair of electrons
                          1. Neither atom has a pull on the electrons
                          2. Metallic
                            1. When metal atoms "lose" some outer electrons to form a positive core amid a sea of delocalised electrons
                            2. Ionic
                              1. When atoms form ions by either losing or gaining electrons
                                1. Held together by electrostatic attraction
                                  1. The strength depends on the difference in the size of the ions
                                2. Structures In Elements
                                  1. All non metal structures are pure covalent
                                    1. Diatomic Molecules
                                      1. Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Iodine, Chlorine, Bromine and Fluorine all form diatomic molecules
                                      2. Monatomic Atoms
                                        1. Noble Gases
                                        2. Discrete Covalent
                                          1. Sulphur - S8
                                            1. Phosphorus - P4
                                              1. Fullerenes
                                              2. Covalent Networks
                                                1. Diamond
                                                  1. Graphite
                                                    1. Silicon
                                                      1. Boron
                                                    2. Structures In Compounds
                                                      1. Ionic Lattice
                                                        1. Covalent Networks - Silicon Dioxide and Silicon Carbide
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