Aerobes & Anaerobes


the gas requirement for microorganism and example
Syazana Razak
Mind Map by Syazana Razak, updated more than 1 year ago
Syazana Razak
Created by Syazana Razak over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Aerobes & Anaerobes
  1. Definition
    1. use gaseous oxygen for metabolism
      1. posses enzyme needed to process toxic oxygen products
      2. obligate aerobes
        1. only grow in presence of oxygen
          1. Mycobacteria tubercolosis
          2. Definition
            1. use no oxygen for metabolism
              1. lack of enzyme for respiration
              2. Obligate Anaerobe
                1. Only grow in absebce of oxygen
                  1. Clostridium tetani
                  2. Aerotolerant anaerobes
                    1. Grows in absence of oxygen, but survive in its presence
                      1. also called obligate fermenter
                        1. Enterococcus faecalis
                        2. facultative anaerobes
                          1. Both aerobic and anaerobic growth.
                            1. metabolizes by aerobic respiration if oxygen present
                              1. fermentation in absence of oxygen
                                1. Escherichia coli
                                2. microaerophiles
                                  1. Require strictly small amount of oxygen
                                    1. normal atmospheric oxygen or more are toxic for them
                                      1. Helicobacter pylori
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