Receptors & Cell Signalling


Mind Map on Receptors & Cell Signalling, created by Laura Young on 04/25/2013.
Laura Young
Mind Map by Laura Young, updated more than 1 year ago
Laura Young
Created by Laura Young over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Receptors & Cell Signalling
  1. Signal Transduction
    1. controls how cells responds to stimuli
    2. Signalling molecules
      1. Create a response by binding to receptor proteins on the cell membrane
        1. Types
          1. Endocrine
            1. Travel in the blood to all parts of body
            2. Paracrine
              1. Only target those in the producing cells vacinity
              2. Autocrine
                1. Only target those of the same cell type as the producing cell
            3. Transmembrane hormone receptors
              1. Can travel across the cell membrane
                1. Are proteins
                  1. Span the thickness of the cell membrane
                  2. Steps of signal transduction via hormones
                    1. Biosynthesis
                      1. Storage & Secretion
                        1. Transport
                          1. Relay & Amplification
                            1. Recognition
                              1. Removal
                              2. Receptors
                                1. Definition
                                  1. macromolecular proteins that participate in cell signalling via hormones
                                  2. Common features
                                    1. Are proteins
                                      1. Have one or more binding sites
                                        1. Can produce one or more signals
                                          1. When bound to a hormone they produce a change
                                            1. Must have properties of recognition and transduction
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