Movement of Substances


GCE 'O' Level Biology Mind Map on Movement of Substances, created by Elise Mac on 19/06/2016.
Elise Mac
Mind Map by Elise Mac, updated more than 1 year ago
Elise Mac
Created by Elise Mac over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Movement of Substances
  1. Types
    1. Passive
      1. Does not require energy
        1. Move ↓ conc. gradient
          1. Eg.
            1. Diffusion
              1. Osmosis
            2. Active
              1. Requires energy
                1. Move against / up conc. gradient
              2. Diffusion
                1. NET movement of particles frm a region of HIGH conc. to LOW conc.
                  1. Down conc. gradient
                    1. Conc. gradient
                      1. Diffeence in conc. btw 2 regions
                        1. Steeper grad.
                          1. ↑ rate of diffusion
                    2. Factors affecting RATE
                      1. Conc. gradient
                        1. Steeper
                          1. ↑ rate
                        2. Temperature
                            1. ↑ energy level of molecules
                              1. ↑ rate
                          1. Size of particles
                              1. ↓ energy required to move particles
                                1. ↑ rate
                            1. Thickness of membrane
                              1. Thin
                                1. ↓ distance for particles to travel
                                  1. ↑ rate
                                2. May be unapplicable
                                  1. Diffusion does not require a membrane
                              2. Eg.
                                1. Animal cells
                                  1. Partially permeable membrane
                                    1. Allow some substances through
                                    2. Eg.
                                      1. Lungs
                                        1. Alveolus separated frm capillaries by a thin membrane
                                          1. Diffusion
                                            1. Gas exchange across membrane
                                          2. Small intestines
                                            1. Epithelium of villus
                                              1. One-celled thick
                                                1. ↑ of diffusion
                                                  1. Digested food molecules into bloodstream
                                        2. Practical Application
                                          1. Kidney Dialysis
                                            1. Diffusion
                                              1. Wastes products removed frm blood through artificial membrane in machine
                                                1. Blood cells & large molecules retained
                                      2. Osmosis
                                        1. NET movement of WATER molecules frm a region of ↑ WATER POTENTIAL to ↓ w.p
                                          1. Across a PARTIALLY PERMEABLE MEMBRANE
                                            1. Water potential
                                              1. Tendency for water molecules to move frm 1 place to other
                                                1. Eg.
                                                  1. Dilute solution
                                                    1. ↑ water molecules per unit vol than a concentrated soln
                                            2. Plants
                                              1. Tugor pressure
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