Nerve Impulses


Undergraduate degree Biology Mind Map on Nerve Impulses, created by Brendan Williams on 25/02/2014.
Brendan Williams
Mind Map by Brendan Williams, updated more than 1 year ago
Brendan Williams
Created by Brendan Williams over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Nerve Impulses
  1. Anatomy of a neurone
    1. Dendrons
      1. Dendrites
      2. Axon
        1. Phospholipid bilayer
          1. Sodium-Potassium pump
            1. Sodium ion channel
              1. Potassium ion channel
              2. Schwann cells
                1. Myelin sheath
                  1. Nodes of ranvier
                  2. Synapse
                    1. Presynaptic neurone
                      1. Smooth ER
                        1. Mitochondrion
                          1. Synaptic vesicle
                            1. Acetylcholine
                            2. Ca2+ channel
                              1. Acetylcholine transferase
                                1. Choline
                                  1. Ethanoic acid
                                2. Synaptic cleft
                                  1. 20-30 nm wide
                                    1. acetylcholinesterase
                                      1. acetylcholine
                                        1. Cholinergic synapse
                                      2. Postsynaptic neurone
                                        1. Na+ channel
                                          1. Activated by acetylcholine
                                          2. Inhibition
                                            1. Cl- chanels
                                              1. Makes postsynaptic membrane more -ve
                                      3. Propogation of a nerve impulse
                                        1. Resting potential, membrane polarised
                                          1. Influx of Na+, depolarisation occurs
                                            1. charge change causes opening of Na+ voltage-gated chanels
                                              1. Depolarisation continues, K+ channels open and neurone behind repolarises
                                                1. Na+ removed by active transport, neurone back at resting potential
                                          2. Summation
                                            1. Spatial Summation
                                              1. several presynaptic neurones
                                              2. Temporal summation
                                                1. single presynaptic neurone firing frequently
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