Religious issues and divisions 1625-29


Religious issues and divisions from 1625-29 including what legacy James I left Charles with
Declan Wiseman
Mind Map by Declan Wiseman, updated more than 1 year ago
Declan Wiseman
Created by Declan Wiseman about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Religious issues and divisions 1625-29
  1. Marriage to Catholic Henrietta Maria
    1. Fear of Popery
      1. Burning of protestants Mary I
        1. Gunpowder Plot 1605
        2. Protection of Catholics
          1. Presence of Catholic in court filtered down to the lower classes
        3. Religious groups
          1. Protestants
            1. Arminians
              1. Did not want reformation to go any further. Closet catholics
                1. Break from the ROman Catholic church
                  1. Instigated by Henry 8th 1530, reinforced by Eliza I Church settlement 1559
                2. aka Laudians
                3. Puritans
                  1. Non-conformists- reformation didn't go far enough
                  2. Calvinism
                    1. Pre-destination, discipline from elders to members
                  3. Catholics
                    1. Puritans saw the Pope as the anti-christ
                  4. James I management
                    1. Jacobean Balance
                      1. Balanced broad church to create unity/harmony in church, Calvinists and Anti-Calvinists alike
                      2. Clear communication via Parish Church meetings
                        1. After Gunpowder plot
                          1. Recusancy fines increased
                            1. miss church
                            2. Catholics removed from gov posts
                              1. New oath of allegiance 1606 for catholics
                              2. Decision to side with French in Thirty Years War, to sue for peace
                                1. Seen as flirting with catholicism
                              3. Charles actions and appointments
                                1. York House Conference 1626
                                  1. Buckingham supports Arminian cleric William Laud
                                    1. Charles does not attend
                                    2. Montagu- Royal Chaplain 1626
                                      1. Arminian cleric
                                        1. Parliament attacked him
                                          1. They directly challenged a clergyman and doctrine that Charles fully supported...key reason why he dissolved Parliament
                                        2. 1628- Bishop of Chichester
                                          1. Laud Bishop of London
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