Online Learning Environment


Mind Map on Online Learning Environment, created by aaron.yamamoto on 03/03/2014.
Mind Map by aaron.yamamoto, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by aaron.yamamoto almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Online Learning Environment
  1. Technology
    1. Website
      1. LMS- Schoology
        1. Very user friendly
          1. Layout similar to Facebook
            1. Assignments organized easily
          2. Communication tools
            1. iPad
              1. Students can upload assignments to Schoology from iPad easily
              2. Email
                1. Utilize for basic communication
                  1. Student-Teacher
                    1. Student-Student
                  2. Google Hangout
                    1. Whole classroom discussion
                      1. Virtual office hours
                  3. Content
                    1. Student Submissions
                      1. Schoology
                        1. Microsoft Office Files
                          1. Google Drive Files
                          2. Various forms of multimedia
                          3. Instructional Medium
                            1. YouTube videos
                              1. Instructor created
                                1. Publicly shared videos
                                2. Khan Academy
                                  1. Mathematics
                                  2. eBook
                                3. Student
                                  1. Engagement
                                    1. Will utilize all communication tools appropriately and effectively
                                      1. Assignments will be designed to make students take ownership of learning
                                        1. Creation of multimedia
                                          1. Active participant in all activities
                                            1. Regular communication with instructor and classmates
                                          2. Expectations
                                            1. Daily interaction with LMS
                                              1. Honest and fair critique of classmates
                                                1. Gain experience with valuable online tools
                                                  1. Comply and comprehend ISTE Standards
                                                    1. Find tools that will prove useful in their future
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