hygiene responsibility of all


Mind Map on hygiene responsibility of all, created by Corita Torres on 07/08/2016.
Corita Torres
Mind Map by Corita Torres, updated more than 1 year ago
Corita Torres
Created by Corita Torres over 7 years ago

Resource summary

hygiene responsibility of all
  1. prevent infection
    1. uses the five moments for hand hygiene
      1. before contact with patiente
        1. before performing aseptic task
          1. after the risk of exposure to body and fluids
            1. after contact with patient
              1. after contact with patient is enviroment
            2. cleaning :mechanical cleaning withdrawal of all foreing matter on inanimate surfaces
              1. disinfection:destruction of vegetative forms microorganisms by chemicals
                1. it is our responsibility to avoid cross infection
                  1. the health of our patients depends on our clean with everything we use in the patients
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