How did the Cold War extend to the Far East - essential knowledge


A-Levels Cold War (Causes of Cold War) Mind Map on How did the Cold War extend to the Far East - essential knowledge, created by jacksearle on 03/03/2014.
Mind Map by jacksearle, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jacksearle over 10 years ago

Resource summary

How did the Cold War extend to the Far East - essential knowledge
  1. US feeling superior over lifting of Berlin Blockade (May 1949)
    1. Superpower competition increased by rapid Soviet development of atomic bomb (August 1949)
      1. Spread of worldwide Communism apparent in proclamation of PRC (Oct 1949)
        1. US felt guilty for not having supported nationalists enough in China
          1. Domestic pressure in US to be seen as hard on communism; McCarthyism (early 1950s)
            1. NSC68; Policy of Roll Back (1950)
              1. Korean War
                1. North Korea invaded the South (June 1950)
                  1. US forces in Korea over 260,000
                    1. By 1951 China forces in Korea 400,000 - No Soviet Troops
                      1. Korean Armistice signed July 1953
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