Adaptation of trilobites


A level Geology (Trilobites) Mind Map on Adaptation of trilobites, created by mbaker25 on 05/03/2014.
Mind Map by mbaker25, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mbaker25 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Adaptation of trilobites
  1. Benthonic
    1. E.g. Calymene
      1. Little streamling
        1. Did not swim
        2. Complex compound eye
          1. Good depth of vision
            1. Sensitive to movement
            2. Crescent shaped
              1. Forwards, backward and sideways
            3. Many pleura
              1. enrolling for protection
                1. many gills for respiration
                2. Bottom dwelling
                  1. Active hunters
                    1. Scavengers
                    2. epifaunal


                    3. Planktonic
                      1. E.g. Agnostus
                        1. Small and light
                          1. no eyes
                            1. Blind
                            2. Few legs and gills
                              1. Found in shales
                                1. Fed on detritus
                                2. Nektonic
                                  1. Small
                                    1. some streamlining
                                      1. complex compound eyes on stalks
                                        1. 360 degree vision
                                          1. active hunter
                                            1. Forwards, sideways, backwards and underneath
                                          2. E.g. Deiphon
                                            1. Numerous pleura, with spines
                                              1. increase surface area
                                                1. aid buoyancy
                                            2. Burrowing
                                              1. E.g. Trinucleus
                                                1. no eyes
                                                  1. found 200m deep
                                                  2. shovel-shaped modified cephalon with pits
                                                    1. digging tool
                                                      1. burrows for protection and feeding
                                                      2. pits housed sensory hairs
                                                        1. Spread its mass
                                                        2. Fed on organic-rich sediment
                                                          1. Infaunal


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