Gaining Permission


Mind Map on Gaining Permission, created by louise.whittaker on 08/03/2014.
Mind Map by louise.whittaker, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by louise.whittaker about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Gaining Permission
  1. In order to film my film trailer I need locations to film. However, in most locations I will need permission to film as the land I will be on or the building I am in will belong to someone who would need to be okay with it being in my trailer. In some cases it is not a case of gaining permission but rather warning those who might be affected by the filming. The following articles are people who I have given warning to or requested permission from to film.
    1. My House
      1. For filming in the backroom of my house I checked with the members of my family to check that it would not be needed by any of them on the day I was filming.
      2. My Garden
        1. As I plan to film in my garden I might accidentally get some of the neighboring houses in thebackground of my shots, so I emailed my neighbors to ask if they were okay if this happened and also as a warning of when it is happening.
          1. My email to my neighbour Jimmy and his response
            1. My email to my neighbour Carol and her response
          2. My School's Back Carpark
            1. In order to be able to film on the gravel carpark round the back of my school, I needed to ring the site manager Ron McNeill. Two weeks before filming I rang him and asked if it would be possible to film for my A2 Media Studies trailer in the carpark and after informing him of the dates and times I wished to film he said that it would fine to film.
            2. Macclesfield Town Centre and Main Road Bridge
              1. While I wished to email Cheshire County Council to enquire about filming in the town centre of Macclesfield, I could not find an appropriate email for my request to send to. So I then decided to get in contact over the phone and I was forwarded to the public enquiry department where I was told it would be completely fine to film but I needed to call them an hour before the times I wanted to film just to state that I would still be filming that day.
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