data protection legislation


Mind Map on data protection legislation, created by styn.oomen on 30/04/2013.
Mind Map by styn.oomen, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by styn.oomen about 11 years ago

Resource summary

data protection legislation
  1. what is it's purpose?
    1. to limit what companies can do with your data
      1. give individuals the right to view their data
        1. sets out rules that need to be followed when handling data
        2. rights of data subjects
          1. as long as they do these things, individuals can see their data
            1. makes a written request
              1. prove their identity
                1. a fee is paid if necessary
                  1. do not break other data subjects rights
                  2. change inaccurate data
                  3. exemptions
                    1. some data colected by police
                      1. witness protection scheme
                      2. army records
                        1. cannot be used to obtain information
                          1. for instance about a friend
                        2. impact on businesses
                          1. can be expensive to follow
                            1. businesses need to:
                              1. make sure that all systems meet the terms of the act
                                1. if not, they must be changed
                            2. freedom of information act 2005
                              1. this means you hav the right to view information from the local council
                                1. information can be asked about anything
                                  1. applicant can appeal refusal
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