

3rd Grade ELA Mind Map on Bullfrogs, created by Lynn Rathbun on 03/19/2014.
Lynn Rathbun
Mind Map by Lynn Rathbun, updated more than 1 year ago
Lynn Rathbun
Created by Lynn Rathbun almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Physical Attributes
    1. tympanum
      1. long sticky tongue
        1. bulging eyes
          1. clear eyelids
            1. long, strong legs
              1. webbed feet
                1. green shades
                  1. smooth skin
                    1. 5-12 inches long
                      1. white yellowish throat
                      2. Habitat
                        1. warm heavy air
                          1. rain
                            1. muddy winter retreat
                              1. oak trees
                                1. duck weed
                                  1. bayou
                                    1. wet, soaked
                                      1. wild weeds
                                        1. spanish moss
                                          1. lily pads
                                            1. grass
                                              1. marshy
                                                1. lake
                                                  1. noisy
                                                    1. North America
                                                    2. Life Cycle
                                                      1. summer and fall as tadpole
                                                        1. 4-8 days tadpoles emerge from eggs
                                                        2. over a year as youngster
                                                          1. may spend 1-3 years as tadpole
                                                            1. 10,000-20,000 eggs deposited
                                                              1. another 3 years to become adult
                                                                1. yellowish greenish stomach
                                                                2. Predators and Prey
                                                                  1. prey: crayfish, sphinx moth, southern cricket frog, lizards, snakes, snails, fish, mice
                                                                    1. prey: anything that will fit in mouth
                                                                      1. predator: black crowned heron, humans
                                                                        1. hunter
                                                                          1. half a second to catch meal
                                                                            1. control insect pests
                                                                            2. Behaviors
                                                                              1. jumps, hops, springs forward, leaps
                                                                                1. booming croaks
                                                                                  1. mating
                                                                                    1. sings brrroom
                                                                                      1. swims
                                                                                        1. peeps
                                                                                          1. battle
                                                                                            1. calling
                                                                                              1. dives
                                                                                                1. pulls body

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