The Irish Famine


Mind Map on The Irish Famine, created by Jason King on 12/10/2016.
Jason King
Mind Map by Jason King, updated more than 1 year ago
Jason King
Created by Jason King over 7 years ago

Resource summary

The Irish Famine
  1. Causes of The Irish Famine
    1. Subdivision of Land
      1. More people had to live on smaller plots of land.
        1. People could only survive on small plots of land if they grew potatoes. This is because a small acerage of land could grow enough spuds to last a family a year.
        2. Large Population
          1. Irish men and women married at a very young age. Until 1972, girls could marry at 12 and boys could marry at 14.
            1. They did not need much money or a job to get married, just a small plot of land (for spuds)
              1. Malthuse was an economist who believed that if the population grew too large too quickly it would not have enough resources to survive
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