Potential Injuries To The Muscular System


GCSE GCSE PE (Muscular System) Mind Map on Potential Injuries To The Muscular System, created by Olivia Brooklyn on 03/24/2014.
Olivia Brooklyn
Mind Map by Olivia Brooklyn, updated more than 1 year ago
Olivia Brooklyn
Created by Olivia Brooklyn almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Potential Injuries To The Muscular System
  1. Soft Tissue Injuries To Muscles
    1. Most common injuries to muscles include tears, pull and strains
      1. The small muscle fibres may be torn from their attachment to a tendon
        1. Fibres shorten when the muscle contracts and relax when it is used antagonistically
        2. During intense competition the muscle fibres contracts and relax very quickly which can cause the connective tissue and the blood vessels which run inside them to be torn
        3. Warm - Up
          1. Warming up is crucial to minimise the potential for injury
            1. Warm - up begins by raising the heart rate and warming the muscle
              1. Followed by some exercises and stretching
            2. Cool - Down
              1. Aim of cooling down is to bring the heart rate gradually back to normal and disperse any lactic acid
                1. Ensures readiness for next exercise session or game
                2. Treatment For Muscular Injuries
                  1. RICE used for muscle strains
                    1. First 24 - 48 hours are crucial
                    2. Muscle injuries can prevent a person from training and this inactivity can result in muscle atrophy
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