Causes Of The Ending Of World War 1


GCSE History (Germany) Mind Map on Causes Of The Ending Of World War 1, created by Olivia Brooklyn on 26/03/2014.
Olivia Brooklyn
Mind Map by Olivia Brooklyn, updated more than 1 year ago
Olivia Brooklyn
Created by Olivia Brooklyn over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Causes Of The Ending Of World War 1
  1. America joined the war
    1. Germany sunk an American passenger liner showing a public attack
      1. Thought Germans were getting Mexico to attack America
      2. Tactics changed
        1. By 1918 both air, sea and land worked together and knew what they were doing
        2. German offensive
          1. German soldiers moved from east to west and pushed through as far as possible
          2. Black day for German army
            1. Allies pushed Germans back to Hindenburg line
            2. Blockade
              1. After battle of Jutland, German navy couldn't leave port as Britain could blockade their ports
                1. Stopped supplies entering Germany
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