Data Architecture Principles


Self Improvement Data Architecture Mind Map on Data Architecture Principles, created by Chris LaVallin on 27/03/2014.
Chris LaVallin
Mind Map by Chris LaVallin, updated more than 1 year ago
Chris LaVallin
Created by Chris LaVallin over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Data Architecture Principles
  1. Plan before you build
    1. Design with the user in mind
      1. Integrate plan with envioronment
        1. Structure and method should be reusable
          1. Define the problem in the context in which it must be resolved
            1. Analysing and defining an area must be done before any activity in that area
              1. Incorrect assumptions can be made
                1. Short term vision may handicp development
                  1. Inappropriate scoping my produced artificial boundaries
                  2. Well developed architectures evolve as the business evolves
                    1. Using architecture leads to foundational stability not rigidity
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