Cardiovascular system


Pe theory
David Nuzzo
Mind Map by David Nuzzo, updated more than 1 year ago
David Nuzzo
Created by David Nuzzo about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Cardiovascular system
  1. Key words
    1. Tidal volume
      1. Amount of air taken in normal breathing
      2. Stroke volume
        1. Blood pumped from one beat
        2. Blood pressure
          1. Strength of blood against blood vessels
          2. Vital capacity
            1. Most possible amount of air exhaled by a person
            2. Haemogoblin
              1. Red protein in blood which transfers oxygen
              2. Cardiac output
                1. Stroke volume x Heart rate
                  1. Amount of blood pumped by heart in 1 min
                2. Contains
                  1. Heart
                    1. Pumps blood
                      1. Muscle
                      2. Blood
                        1. Transfers
                          1. Oxygen to muscle
                            1. Waste products out (CO2)
                          2. Blood Vessels
                            1. Blood passes through
                          3. Functions
                            1. Oxygen transportation
                              1. To muscles
                              2. Removal of waste products
                                1. From muscles
                                2. Regulating temperature
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