TJ Avery


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Mind Map by alex77586, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by lucas.ossenberg over 10 years ago
Copied by echopbt over 10 years ago
Copied by alex77586 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

TJ Avery
  1. Member of Avery family
    1. Sick dad
      1. Mercy of landowners
        1. "can't tell nobody, not even my dad." p.198
        2. Poor
          1. "I'd sell my life for that gun." p.92
        3. Attention seeker
          1. Sly?
            1. manipulativ
          2. Friendship
            1. Like i said its alright, if you are lookin like a fat preacher p.113
              1. Hey wait a minute let me explain p. 73
              2. Confident
                1. weak, insecure
                  1. Gulable
                    1. "Im sick of y"all" p135
                      1. "help me get home. I can't make it by myself" p.196
                      2. no sense of intergrity
                        1. Feels its ok to lie
                      3. "evil character"
                        1. Victim of circumstance
                          1. Sympathy and feelings for Tj start to arise when we see his circumstances.
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