Eliza, Jasper, Charlie, Jem and Scout and Atticus refuse to conform to the social standards of the society.
The society creates its own barriers which contradict themselves.
Charlie, Jem and Scout's moral ethics change as the story progresses.
Realisation of the importance of friendships.
Quote: "Charlie you gotta trust me, I didn't do it". Jasper pleaded with me. Overwhelmed, I had to believe him, he trusted me"
ORT (To Kill a Mockingbird)
Social Standards
The communities both have social standards in regards to race.
People's narrow-mindedness to accept Jasper when he is playing sports but then reject him minutes later displays how the society uploads unreasonable double standards
Quote: ‘The folks who watch Jasper play, who barrack for him like he was one of their own, are the same ones who
might cut their eyes at him should he walk their way a few hours after the game. But they’ll smile and cheer
and shake their eads in wonderment if he takes a run through the center or if he nails one from the pocket”
Eliza, Jasper, Charlie, Jem and Scout and Atticus refuse to conform to the social standards of the society.
Realising the communities dictate the way in which the people live their lives.
Realising the communities dictate the way in which the people live their lives.
Through development of friendships, Charlie, Finch, Jem, Jasper all realise the harsh realities of life, specifically prejudice and raicism