

1.....First out of the 8 posters due for Mr Vic
Madi Jones
Mind Map by Madi Jones, updated more than 1 year ago
Madi Jones
Created by Madi Jones over 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Characteristics
    1. Learned
      1. Aesthetically pleasing
        1. Consistent
          1. Efficient
            1. Fluent
              1. Accurate
                1. Controlled
                  1. Economical
                  2. Classification
                    1. Gross-Fine
                      1. Gross: lots of muscles, large movement.
                        1. Fine: few muscles, little movement
                        2. Self-Externally paced
                          1. self: determined by you
                            1. Externally: not by you
                            2. Open-Closed
                              1. Open: changing environment
                                1. Closed: stable environment
                                2. Simple-Complex
                                  1. Simple: little decisions
                                    1. Complex: many decisions
                                    2. Low-High
                                      1. Low: Broken down easily
                                        1. High: Can't be broken down
                                        2. Discrete-Serial-Continuous
                                          1. Discrete: clear start and end
                                            1. Serial: discrete combined
                                              1. Continuous: no clear star and end
                                            2. Knapps Definition
                                              1. A learned ability to bring about a pre-determined outcome with maximum efficiency and consistency
                                              2. Abilities underpin all skills
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