History: Russia


Mind Map on History: Russia, created by chloeap on 27/04/2014.
Mind Map by chloeap, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by chloeap over 10 years ago

Resource summary

History: Russia
  1. The Great Patriotic War and its Outcomes, 1941-1953
    1. The impact on the USSR of German invasion and Nazi ideology from 1941
      1. Stalin's role in the management of the war effort
        1. The nature of the wartime Soviet economy
          1. The actions of the Communist regime to enlist mass patriotism for the war effort including propaganda and religious concessions
            1. The extent of wartime opposition within the USSR and the Stalinist regime's treatment of opposition
              1. The relationship between the Soviet people and Stalin's regime by the time victory was achieved in 1945
                1. High Stalinism
                  1. Stalin's dictatorship, 1945-1953
                    1. The cult of personality
                      1. Economic recovery after 1945
                        1. The impact of Cold War politics on the USSR
                      2. Destalinisation, 1953-1968
                        1. The emergence of new leaders after the death of Stalin and Khruschev's victory in the power struggle
                          1. The 1956 Party Congress and reaction to Khruschev's 'secret speech'
                            1. Khruschev's leadership
                              1. Khrushchev's motives for industrial and agrarian reforms and their impact
                                1. The reasons for the ousting of Khruschev in 1964
                                  1. The impact of Destalinisation within the USSR and on Soviet relations with the satellite states
                                  2. The Brezhnev Era, 1968-1982
                                    1. The leadership of Brezhnev
                                      1. Brezhnev's political, economic and social policies
                                        1. The era of conservatism
                                          1. Attitudes towards the Brezhnev regime
                                            1. The repression of dissidents
                                              1. Opposition to the war in Afghanistan
                                              2. Economic stagnation and the costs of the arms race
                                              3. The End of the Soviet Union, 1982-1991
                                                1. Leadership changes from 1982
                                                  1. The leadership of Andropov
                                                    1. The leadership of Chemenko
                                                      1. The leadership of Gorbachev
                                                      2. Problems facing the USSR by the 1980s
                                                        1. The motives for, and impact of, Gorbachev's claims
                                                          1. Ideas of glasnost and perestroika and the effects
                                                            1. Opposition to glasnost and perestroika
                                                              1. Economic and political problems
                                                                1. The growing threat of nationalism from republics within the USSR
                                                                  1. The impact on the USSR of the collapse of Communist regimes in the satellite states at the end of 1989
                                                                    1. The August coup of 1991 and the overthrow of Gorbachev
                                                                      1. The end of the USSR
                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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