22. It's easier to recognize information than recall it


Mind Map on 22. It's easier to recognize information than recall it, created by Jacob Sobie on 10/03/2017.
Jacob Sobie
Mind Map by Jacob Sobie, updated more than 1 year ago
Jacob Sobie
Created by Jacob Sobie about 7 years ago

Resource summary

22. It's easier to recognize information than recall it
  1. Recalling information
    1. Schemata (Form of chunking or grouping) can cause errors in recalling information, but can also be helpful, children have better time recalling things because their schemata is not as developed.
    2. Recognizing information
      1. This makes use of context, which can help you remember. This is why it is easier to recognize instead of recall
        1. Try to never require people to recall information, instead have them recognize it.
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