Sociology Unit 1: Changing Patterns


A Levels Sociology Mind Map on Sociology Unit 1: Changing Patterns, created by leahannabelle on 05/02/2014.
Mind Map by leahannabelle, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by leahannabelle almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Sociology Unit 1: Changing Patterns
  1. Marriage
    1. less pressure to marry
      1. more freedom about what relationship
        1. feel they dont need to get married for religious reasons
          1. less stigma attached to cohabitation & remaining single
            1. women are financially dependent from men
              1. fear of divorce
                1. People are getting married later
                  1. a legal agreement between two people
                    1. EMPTY SHELL MARRIAGES- where there is no love but couple stay together
                    2. Divorce
                      1. changes in the law
                        1. decline in the stigma attached to divorce
                          1. less likely to be influenced by religion(secularisation)
                            1. high expectations of marriage
                              1. women no longer have to be dependent on men
                              2. Views on Divorce
                                1. Fem- agree: women breaking from opression
                                  1. New Right- disagree: undermines the nuclear family
                                    1. PostMod: agree: giving choice
                                      1. Function: high expectations
                                      2. Cohabitation
                                        1. unmarried couple in a relationship living together
                                          1. decline in sex outside marriage
                                            1. young people are likely to accept cohabitation
                                              1. cohabitation is a trial before marriage
                                                1. cohabitation has a permanent alternative
                                                2. F-rise of feminism L- law changes I-Individualism R-decline in religion T-decline of tradition S- social changes
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