Qualitative and Quantitative Research.


Psychology AS Re-take. Mind Map on Qualitative and Quantitative Research., created by Stephanie Price on 02/05/2014.
Stephanie Price
Mind Map by Stephanie Price, updated more than 1 year ago
Stephanie Price
Created by Stephanie Price almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Qualitative and Quantitative Research.
  1. Qualitative Research.
    1. Usually focuses on a participant's thoughts and feelings about an aspect of their life or a particular experience.
      1. An example might be an in-depth interview about childhood experiences, where the researcher records the conversation and then writes up case notes, summarising what has been said.
      2. Qualitative data is often described as more meaningful information, since it is true to its original source and reflects behaviour in a real-life context.
        1. STRENGTHS.
          1. Rich and Detailed.
            1. Meaningful.
              1. High Validity.
              2. LIMITATIONS.
                1. Difficult to replicate.
                  1. Difficult to analyse.
                    1. Low reliability.
                      1. Very personal, subjective account.
                  2. Quantitative Research.
                    1. Involves measuring behaviour in a numerical way.
                      1. An example might be the score out of 20 on a memory test.
                      2. Quantitative data is sometimes described as less meaningful since it usually involves narrow focus on a very specific aspect of behaviour, and the measurement of tens takes place out of the context in which that behaviour usually occurs.
                        1. STRENGTHS.
                          1. Easy to analyse.
                            1. Can replicate.
                              1. More objective.
                              2. LIMITATIONS.
                                1. Less meaningful.
                                  1. Low in ecological validity.
                                2. As a general rule...
                                  1. Unstructured interviews, case studies, open questionnaires and some observational studies involve the collection of qualitative data.
                                    1. Experiments, correlational studies, structured observations, structured interviews and closed questionnaires involve the collection of quantitative data.
                                      1. Quite often, researchers gather data using a qualitative method and then convert the information into quantitative data for the purpose of analysis.
                                        1. As an example, having recorded an in-depth interview about childhood experiences, a researcher might analyse the recording to see how many times certain themes occur, for example, sibling rivalry, discipline methods used by parents, peer influences, and so on.
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