Delacroix noticed a nobility which
reminded him of the ancient greeks
They had retained the order that the western world had lost
Prayer in the mosque at Amir, Gerome,1872
Recording the untouched land and culture of the
orient, where Jesus lived, because the orient
was becoming modernised - a record before
everyone started to wear a baseball cap!
The finding of the Saviour in the temple, W H Hunt
Judah and Tamar, Vernet
Christian Artists
Untouched biblical world being modernised - a record before this started to happen
Record of architecture and customs
Expanding western knowledge
Places actually seen by the artist
Accuracy and respect
Odalisque with Slave, 1842, Ingres
Ingres hadn't been there
Instrument a still life of
one brought back by
He makes it
sensual and
Harem Scenes
Ingres, Harem Scene, 1863
Finished it when he was 83!! Painted young naked ladies
Gerome, Grand Bath in Turkey
Different sexual morality
No christian man
could go into a harem -
only the sultan could
Middle East
Opened up to western
world with Napoleon's
Trade opened up
Exotic and different
Problems with style labels
History painting
Classical subject, Romantic style
Modea, 1838, Delacroix
Had children with Jason and
he was going to send her away
when he got bored
She takes her sons to a cave to kill them
Strongly lit wriggling children and Modea
Looking back over her
shoulder to check they aren't
following her
Emotion, movement
Triangular composition
Madona and Child
Twisted the serenity into something murderous and nasty
They also painted mentally ill patients
Shadow over half her face
Can't fully see her expression of dispair
Marcus Aurelius, Delacroix, 1845
Romantic artist
Romantic: Softer brushwork, bright colour, death of a man (emotional)
Classical subject matter: death of a Roman emperor
Handing over the empire to Comodus (baddie)
Classical: Frieze-like composition
Death of Sardanapalus, 1827
Poem by Lord Byron (scottish romantic poet)
Sardanapalus' (ancient east) enemies coming to topple empire
He has a holocaust and takes everything with him
Palace burning behind him
His soldiers masacaring the women of his hareem as he relaxes amidst the bloodletting
Energetic movement
Lies on bright red bed
Classical composition and sculptural modeling, Romantic colours, sky, landscape and story
Raft of Medusa, Géricault, 1819
Louis 16th sent a ship manned by incompitant officers
Landed on a sandbank
Raft of 120 people
Delacroix posed for one of the figures
Gericault used it to criticise the monarchy
Political scandal when exhibited at the salon that year
Important stylistic shift from neoclassicism to something more modern and highly charged
in emotion and mood with dramatic contrasts between light and dark
Neoclassical: strong lighting, sculptural
Baroque diagonal
In narative and composition
Man of dispair, grieving over his son at lower left, to hope, upper right who waves a flag at a ship spotted on the horizon
Pathetic fallacy
Weather used to represent mood
Storms overhead but light of
hope on the horizon - they
are going to be rescued
Went to the mortuary and painted still lifes of severed heads and arms
Toyed with painting the cannibalism that took place
Monochrome sculptural figures (mythic warriors) - lit in a neoclassical way
Another pupil of David
Riots in Cairo, 1810, Girodet (David's pupil)
Neoclassical: Frieze-like composition
Shallow picture space
Romantic in colour, drama, bloodshed and exoticism of the east
1798 invasion by Napoleon
Dramatic, energetic
Classical style with romantic elements
Napoleon Crossing the St Bernard's pass, David
Classical: Sculptural, frieze-like composition, cool handling of paint
Romantic: dramatic, heroic, larger than life (literally and in importance of the figure)
Neoclassicism was adaptable to Romantic characteristics
Mood, colour, stylistc, drama, the hero
Flexibility of styles
Art doesn't move from one style to the next in
separate categories - it is one continuous evolution
and development
Affected by politics, culture etc like David
Weather and the sky
The group of oaks at Apremont, Rousseau, 1852
Portrait of the trees
Carefully observed and detailed
Deeply identified with nature
Deforrestation painted and called "masacre of the innocence"
Timelessnes of nature and feableness of man
The trees have lasted more generations than the farmers beneath them - like Keats' Ode to a
Nightingale (atleast 30 years earlier) in which he talks about the never changing song of the bird -
how many generations it has seen... heard by ancients and contemporaries alike
1820 shift to national/patriotic landscape painting
Nationhood rising in Europe after Napoleon had squashed a lot of nations
National folklaw
Hans Christian Anderson around this time
Constable in England
Painting of Chartres cahtedral
The medieval styles of the Gothic in France - National
France: The picturesque old buildings
Pierefonds (tres riche heurs)
People want to hold onto what they know in a fast progressing society - industrial revolution
Opposite of Classicism
Feeling, passion, vibrant, unbalanced
Classicism had been hijacked by Napoleon - with the
restored monarchy they needed a different style
Didn't entirely reject classicism or
the past - looked at the changeless
orient, medieval too, ancient
literature - didn't reject the past
But did look at the
modern and
literature and politics
Theodore Géricault
The Charging Chasseur, 1812
French Cavalry officer turning
round, urging his men to fight on
with him
Something he had actually witnessed
The year Napoleon was at his height, the year he tried to invade Russia
The Wounded Cuirassier, 1814
Off his horse, vulnerable, looking anxious over his shoulder, thunder clouds
Echo's Napoleon's collapse
Derived from "roman" the french word for a novel
Associations with literature - the idea of a story