Was the USSR primarily responsible for the division of Germany in 1949?


A Levels History (Germany - Divided and Reunited 1945-1991) Mind Map on Was the USSR primarily responsible for the division of Germany in 1949?, created by Eva Clifton on 04/05/2014.
Eva Clifton
Mind Map by Eva Clifton, updated more than 1 year ago
Eva Clifton
Created by Eva Clifton over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Was the USSR primarily responsible for the division of Germany in 1949?
  1. yes
    1. Berlin blockade (1948-49) - intended to drive Western allies out of West Berlin - actually strengthened them and led to the formation of the FRG (1949) and NATO
      1. The USSR took control of most of Eastern Europe - Stalin wanted to create a 'buffer zone' between the USSR and the West
        1. The soviet occupation of the GDR was a massive economic drain on the USSR
          1. Russian policies of denazification and social reform were more extreme than in the west - Eastern Bloc countries were forced to adopt Communist systems of government
          2. no
            1. Russia had suffered huge casualties in WWII - 25 million dead. This hardened attitudes towards Germany's future
              1. President Truman distrusted the USSR and wanted to be harsh with them
                1. Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan - aimed to resist communism
                  1. Bizonia created in 1947 - can be seen as an anti-Russian move
                    1. 1947 - Western allies rejected Stalin's proposal for a united Germany - they feared it would be dominated by the USSR
                      1. June 1949 - Deutschmark introduced - created 2 seperate political systems and weakened the East's economy
                        1. Adenauer strengthened the West's relations with the USA, UK and France - compulsory military service and joining NATO in 1955 showed this
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