
A summary of key themes about Mr Darcy
Mol Dainty
Mind Map by Mol Dainty, updated more than 1 year ago
Mol Dainty
Created by Mol Dainty about 7 years ago

Resource summary

    1. He 'drew the attention of the room by his fine, tall person, handsome features, noble mien: and the report...of his having ten thousand a year.'
      1. Darcy commands attention with his good looks, distinguished manner and wealth.
      2. 'the proudest, most disagreeable man in the world'.
        1. His silence and superior manner can give offence
        2. Elizabeth 'attracted him more than he liked'.
          1. He is strongly attracted to Elizabeth but aware of the difference in their social status.
          2. 'He is the best landlord, and the best master...that ever lived...Some people call him proud: but I am sure I never saw anything of it.'
            1. His housekeeper, Mrs Reynolds, gives a different perspective on her employer.
            2. 'His complexion became pale with anger, and the disturbance of his mind was visible in every feature
              1. Darcy is self controlled and often silent. Austen frequently uses description of body language to suggest his hidden feelings.
            3. ROLE IN THE NOVEL
              1. Mr Darcy is a rich landowner who has a higher social status than any other character in the novel. He is the nephew of Lady Catherine de Bourgh and is the novel's hero.
                1. He first appears with his friend Bingley at a public ball in Meryton.
                  1. He becomes attached to Elizabeth while she is visiting Jane at Netherfield
                    1. He reappears when Elizabeth is visiting her friend Charlotte in Kent; asks Elizabeth to marry him but rejects him.
                      1. He welcomes Elizabeth and the Gardiners at his country estate, Pemberly
                        1. He rescues Lydia from disgrace by arranging a regimental post for Wickham and paying his debts
                          1. He eventually returns to Longbourn, proposes to Elizabeth again and is accepted.
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