The causes of Industrial Revolution


Form 2 History and Culture Mind Map on The causes of Industrial Revolution, created by Carl Lam on 27/03/2017.
Carl Lam
Mind Map by Carl Lam, updated more than 1 year ago
Carl Lam
Created by Carl Lam over 7 years ago

Resource summary

The causes of Industrial Revolution
  1. Scientific developments
    1. important development
      1. inventions
      2. Abolition of trade limits
        1. the markets were no longer monopolised
          1. people could trade freely
        2. Rise in population
          1. labor was plentful
            1. this helped develop industry and trade
            2. brought a rising demand rose
            3. Development of world trade
              1. acquire raw materials from their colonies and overseas markets
              2. Accumulation of capital
                1. merchants to accumulate large amounts of capital
                  1. invested in raw materials,machines and factories
                    1. to make more money
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