Structural Considerations


11-12 Industrial technology Mind Map on Structural Considerations, created by Kerry Wallace on 05/06/2014.
Kerry Wallace
Mind Map by Kerry Wallace, updated more than 1 year ago
Kerry Wallace
Created by Kerry Wallace over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Structural Considerations
  1. Organisation and Management
    1. Hierachiacal/Pyramid Structure
      1. Most Power at Top, least at bottom
        1. Rigid lines of command
          1. Defined Roles & Responsibilities
          2. Flattened Structure
            1. Better communicaton
              1. multiskillig
                1. Better input from employees
                2. Companies
                  1. Sole Traders
                    1. Partnerships
                      1. Government or Private owned
                        1. Shareholders with Board of Directors
                      2. Marketing & Advertising
                        1. E-marketing
                          1. Target Marketing
                            1. Mass Marketing
                              1. Marketing Trends
                              2. Production & Efficiency
                                1. More Profits
                                  1. Effective use of processes and materials
                                    1. Turnover, continuous growth
                                    2. Restructuring
                                      1. New technologies/materials
                                        1. New products and services
                                          1. Streamliming operations
                                            1. Changes to workplace culture
                                              1. Less Management
                                                1. Team Approach
                                                  1. environmental considerations
                                                    1. Relocation
                                                      1. Dismantling & rebuilding organisation because:-
                                                      2. Retraining
                                                        1. Positives
                                                          1. Flexibility
                                                            1. Employment security
                                                              1. Efficiency/effectiveness
                                                              2. Negatives
                                                                1. Cost
                                                                  1. Poaching of staff
                                                                    1. time way from production
                                                                    2. Often done because of technical advances
                                                                      1. in-house/out-house
                                                                      2. Quality Control
                                                                        1. Plan, select material
                                                                          1. Check Processes
                                                                            1. Test & Benchmark
                                                                              1. Does it meet standards and meet purpose
                                                                              2. Multiskilling
                                                                                1. Several skills/tasks
                                                                                  1. flexible working environment
                                                                                    1. Needs extensive trasining
                                                                                      1. Valuable employees/paid more
                                                                                        1. Less boredom
                                                                                          1. more employable
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