Physics P1 - Using Energy


GCSE Physics Mind Map on Physics P1 - Using Energy, created by Rick Wear on 16/04/2017.
Rick Wear
Mind Map by Rick Wear, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Phoebe Drew
Created by Phoebe Drew over 9 years ago
Rick Wear
Copied by Rick Wear about 7 years ago
Rick Wear
Copied by Rick Wear about 7 years ago
Rick Wear
Copied by Rick Wear about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Physics P1 - Using Energy
  1. Useful Energy
    1. Useful Energy- Transferred where and in the form we want
      1. Wasted Energy- Not useful energy
        1. All eventually transferred to surroundings, making it harder to use
        2. Energy and Efficiency
          1. Efficiency= (Useful energy/ Total energy supplied) x100
            1. Can't be more than 100% efficient
              1. Represented in Sankey diagram
              2. Using Energy
                1. Forms of Energy


                  • Light Sound Kinetic Thermal Nuclear Gravitational Potential Elastic Potential Magnetic Electrical Chemical
                  1. Transferred from one type to another
                  2. Conservation of Energy
                    1. Energy cannot be created or destroyed
                      1. Total energy always the same
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