War Of Independence


Mind Map on War Of Independence, created by Charlotte Webber on 05/12/2013.
Charlotte Webber
Mind Map by Charlotte Webber, updated more than 1 year ago
Charlotte Webber
Created by Charlotte Webber almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

War Of Independence
  1. Lexington & Concord 1775, April
    1. first shots fired in Lexington
      1. Britain were in search for arms cache, seized it in Concord
        1. chased back to Boston
          1. lack of strategic plan meant British troops were surrounded
          2. Bunker Hill 1775, June
            1. 3 British generals were sent to Boston Burgoyne, Clinton and Howe
              1. attacked Americans who had dug in at Bunker Hill
                1. British won worst casualties
                2. Long Island, New York 1776, Aug
                  1. NY important controlling both operations in north and south
                    1. Washington moved there to defend it
                      1. Britain smashed through US lines
                        1. Americans retreated, Howe missed the chance to capture half the American army
                        2. Trenton 1776, Dec
                          1. washington retreated from NY and British followed
                            1. Christmas Eve washington crossed Delaware court 1,000 Hessian troops
                              1. gave massive morale boost
                            2. Brandywine 1777, Sept
                              1. washington advanced to Brandywine to block off a British march on Philadelphia
                                1. received confused intelligence on the enemy approach
                                2. British won a great victory
                                  1. washington army still intact
                                    1. Howe lost another opportunity to destroy washingtons army but were too tired
                                  2. Saratoga 1777,Oct
                                    1. Burgoyne was ordered to meet Howe at Quebec to take Albany
                                      1. wasnt clear and didn't meet him
                                        1. got surrounded and surrendered Saratoga
                                      2. French joined alliance with america
                                      3. Charleston 1780, May
                                        1. Clinton and Cornwallis wanted to campaign in the South thought there was loyalists there
                                          1. mistaken
                                          2. surrounded Charlston
                                            1. worst defeat
                                              1. Clinton & Cornwallis had big friction
                                              2. Yorktown 1781, Oct
                                                1. French didn't help much until now
                                                  1. 5,000 french troops under de Rochambeau, moved south into Virginia
                                                    1. disciplined and trained
                                                    2. 16,000 troops advanced to Yorktown and Cornwallis surrendered
                                                    3. Peace of Paris 1783
                                                      1. signed between Britain and America
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