1. Overbosch Paper - "Combined Typhoid Fever and Hepatitis A vaccine: Comparison of Immunogenicity and Safety to monovalent vaccine over 3 years". SUMMARY - BACKGROUND, RESULTS, CONCLUSION


nil Vaccines Mind Map on 1. Overbosch Paper - "Combined Typhoid Fever and Hepatitis A vaccine: Comparison of Immunogenicity and Safety to monovalent vaccine over 3 years". SUMMARY - BACKGROUND, RESULTS, CONCLUSION, created by Celeste Jacobs on 20/04/2017.
Celeste Jacobs
Mind Map by Celeste Jacobs, updated more than 1 year ago
Celeste Jacobs
Created by Celeste Jacobs over 7 years ago

Resource summary

1. Overbosch Paper - "Combined Typhoid Fever and Hepatitis A vaccine: Comparison of Immunogenicity and Safety to monovalent vaccine over 3 years". SUMMARY - BACKGROUND, RESULTS, CONCLUSION
  1. safety and immunogenicity were compared with the monovalent up to 1 month and after a booster dose at 3 years
    1. healthy adult volunteers GROUP A=179 GROUP and B=181
      1. subgroups were boosted after 3 years with Viatim GROUP C=56 and GROUP D=46
        1. local and systemic reactions were recorded for 28 days post vaccination
          1. seroconversion, seroprotection and mean antibody concentrations were measured at at 14, 28 days, 1, 2 and 3 years post vaccination -
            1. it was again measured at 28 days post booster dose
              1. SEROCONVERSION is the time period during which a specific antibody develops and becomes detectable in the blood. After seroconversion has occurred, the disease can be detected in blood tests for the antibody.
                1. SEROPROTECTION: the protection gained by vaccination
                  1. MEAN ANTIBODY CONCENTRATIONS: An antibody titer is a measurement of how much antibody an organism has produced that recognizes a particular epitope, expressed as the inverse of the greatest dilution (in a serial dilution) that still gives a positive result. ELISA is a common means of determining antibody titers.
                  2. RESULTS
                    1. safety profiles were similar between 2 groups
                      1. immediate local reactions were infrequent in GROUP A and B
                        1. reactions were mild to moderate pain
                          1. less frequent reactions with mono hep a
                          2. antibody concentration to both antigens were similar in both GROUPS A & B
                            1. HEP A - Day 28 GROUP A - 98.7%
                              1. HEP A - 3 years GROUP A - 99.1%
                                1. 100% protection after booster
                              2. HEP A - Day 28 GROUP B -100%
                                1. HEP A - 3 years GROUP B - 99%
                                  1. 100% protection after booster
                                2. Ty - Day 28 GROUP A 85.2%
                                  1. Ty - 3 years GROUP A fell to 32.1%
                                    1. after booster increased to 67.3%
                                  2. Ty - Day 28 GROUP B 84.9%
                                    1. Ty - 3 years GROUP B fell to 35.6%
                                      1. after booster increased to 69.8%
                                    2. seroprotection rates HEP A
                                      1. seroprotection rates TYPHOID
                                    3. CONCLUSION
                                      1. combined vaccine Viatim had equivalent safety and tolerability compared to monovalent
                                        1. combined vaccine was as rapidly immunogenic as monovalent when given concurrently
                                          1. a booster dose after 3 years significantly increased antibody levels
                                            1. some evidence of hyporesonsiveness of the ty response
                                            2. BACKGROUND
                                              1. The safety and immunogenicity of Viatim, (combined hep a (HA) and typhoid (Vi) vaccine were compared with the monovalent component vaccine
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