
Claims for INS21-Chapter 6
Vikas Bhandekar
Mind Map by Vikas Bhandekar, updated more than 1 year ago
Vikas Bhandekar
Created by Vikas Bhandekar about 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Keeping Insurer's promise
    1. First Party claims
      1. Third party claims(Liability)
      2. Supporting Insurer's profit goal
        1. Generating Underwriting profit
          1. Fair treatment
            1. Public Adjuster
          2. Structure
            1. Home Office
              1. Sr.Claims Officer
                1. Claim Officer
                  1. Regional Divisional Claim office
                  2. Claim Officer
                    1. Regional Divisional Claim office
                      1. Branch Office
                        1. Claim Manager
                          1. Claim Supervisor
                            1. Claim Representative
                        2. Branch Office
                2. Claim Handling process
                  1. Acknowledging and assigning
                    1. Identifying the policy and setting reserves
                      1. Contacting the insured
                        1. Investing the claim
                          1. Subrogation
                          2. Documenting the claim
                            1. File Status notes
                              1. File Reports
                                1. Dairy System
                                2. Determining the cause of Loss
                                  1. Concluding the claim
                                    1. Mediation
                                      1. Arbitration
                                        1. Appraisals
                                          1. Mini-trails
                                            1. Summary Jury Trails
                                          2. Performance Measures
                                            1. Loss Ratios
                                            2. Claim Personnel
                                              1. Staff claim Representatives
                                                1. Outside Claim Representative
                                                  1. Investigations
                                                  2. Inside Claim Reresenatative
                                                  3. Independent Adjusters
                                                    1. Employees of TPA's
                                                      1. Self Insured
                                                      2. Producers
                                                        1. Authority of $2500
                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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