Structure of an epithelia cell


A-Levels Biology Mind Map on Structure of an epithelia cell, created by laurawilliams100 on 14/05/2013.
Mind Map by laurawilliams100, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by laurawilliams100 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Structure of an epithelia cell
  1. The nucleus
    1. nuclear envolope
      1. double membrane
        1. controls materials in and out of the nucleus
        2. nuclear pores
          1. allows large materials out of nucleus
          2. nucleoplasm
            1. substance to bulk out cell
            2. chromatin
              1. DNA found in nucleoplasm
              2. nucleolus
                1. makes ribosomes
              3. mitochondria
                1. cristae
                  1. stick like structure
                    1. provide large surface area
                    2. matrix
                      1. makes up rest or mitochondria
                        1. contains protein, lipids and DNA
                          1. aerobic respiraton takes place
                        2. endoplasmic reticulum
                          1. rough ER
                            1. ribosomes present
                              1. large surface area for synthesis of proteins
                                1. transport material
                                2. smooth ER
                                  1. no ribosomes
                                    1. synthesis and transport lipids
                                      1. synthesis and transport of carbohydrates
                                    2. golgi
                                      1. proteins and lipids are passed through
                                        1. carbohydrates are added
                                          1. vesicles transport to correct destination
                                          2. lysosomes
                                            1. break down materials
                                              1. release enzymes
                                              2. ribosomes
                                                1. protein synthesis
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