Investigating organelles


A-Levels Biology (Cells & movement in/out of them) Mind Map on Investigating organelles, created by hannah.lindridge on 14/05/2013.
Mind Map by hannah.lindridge, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hannah.lindridge almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Investigating organelles
  1. Cell fractionation
    1. Cold
      1. To reduce enzyme activity which might break down organelles
      2. Isotonic
        1. Prevent bursting/shooting by osmostic loss/gain
        2. Buffered
          1. To maintain constand pH
        3. Homogenation
          1. Cells broken up by homogeniser (blender)
            1. Resultant fluid (homogenate) filtered to remove complete cells and large debris
          2. Ultracentrifugation
            1. Tubes of homogenate spun at high speed
              1. Tube of filtrate placed in ultracentrifuge and spun at low speed
                1. Heaviest organelle forced to bottom (sediment)
                  1. Fluid at top (supernatant) removed leaving only sediment
                    1. Supernatant transferred to another tube and spun again at higher speed
                      1. Next heaviest organelles forved to bottom- process continued with increase in speed each time
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