8.2 Cell Respiration


DP IB Biology (08 Metabolism, Cell Respiration, and Photosynthesis) Mind Map on 8.2 Cell Respiration, created by Steve Harton on 19/05/2014.
Steve Harton
Mind Map by Steve Harton, updated more than 1 year ago
Steve Harton
Created by Steve Harton over 10 years ago

Resource summary

8.2 Cell Respiration
  1. Nature of Science
    1. Paradigm shift: the chemiosmotic theory led to a paradigm shift in the field of bioenergetics
      1. TOK
        1. Peter Mitchell's chemisosmotic theory encountered years of opposition before it was finally accepted
          1. For what reasons does falsification not always result in an immediate acceptance of new theories or a paradigm shift
    2. Structure of mitochondrion
      1. Electron tomography used to produce images of active mitochondria
        1. Annotation of a diagram of a mitochondrion
      2. Analysis of diagrams of the pathways of aerobic respiration
        1. Redox reactions
          1. Oxidation
            1. Oil: Oxidation Is Loss of electrons
            2. Reduction
              1. RIG: Reduction Is Gain of electron
            3. Glycolysis
              1. Glucose is converted to pyruvate in the cytoplasm
                1. Phosphorylation
                  1. Lysis
                    1. Oxidation
                      1. Small net gain of ATP
              2. Link reaction
                1. Pyruvate
                  1. Oxidative Decarboxylation
                    1. H is removed from pyruvate
                      1. H is accepted by NAD+ giving NADH + H+
                      2. CO2 production
                        1. Pyruvate converted into an acetyl group
                          1. Acetyl group accepted by coenzyme A (CoA)
                            1. Acetyl CoA enters the Krebs cycle
                    2. Krebs cycle
                      1. Oxidation of the acetyl groups
                        1. Reduction of H carriers
                          1. Decarboxylation
                            1. Substrate level phosphorylation
                              1. ATP Formation
                              2. Release of CO2
                              3. NADH + H+ = NAD+ FADH2 + H+ = FAD
                                1. Energy released by oxidation reactionsis carreid to the cristae fo the mitochondrai by reduced NAD+ and FAD
                                  1. Electron Transport Carriers (ETC)
                                    1. Transfer of electrons between carriers in the electron transport chain in the membrane of the cristae is coupled to proton pumping
                                      1. Oxidative phosphorylation = Chemiosmosis
                                        1. Protons diffuse through ATP synthase to generate ATP
                                        2. Oxygen is needed to bind with the free protons to maintain the H gradient
                                          1. Water formation
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