Världens religioner


Mind Map on Världens religioner, created by Danne Johansson on 20/05/2014.
Danne Johansson
Mind Map by Danne Johansson, updated more than 1 year ago
Danne Johansson
Created by Danne Johansson almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Världens religioner
  1. Mesopotamien
    1. Judendom
      1. Kristendom
        1. Islam
        2. Grekisk mytologi
          1. Romersk mytologi
            1. Asatro
        3. Indusdalen
          1. Hinduism
            1. Buddism
          2. Kina
            1. Konfucianism
              1. Taoism
              2. Japan
                1. Shintoism
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