Respiration and Breathing system


Leaving Certificate Biology Mind Map on Respiration and Breathing system, created by Samira Alnougi on 05/20/2014.
Samira Alnougi
Mind Map by Samira Alnougi, updated more than 1 year ago
Samira Alnougi
Created by Samira Alnougi over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Respiration and Breathing system
  1. Respiration is the controlled release of energy from food
    1. aerobic respiration requires oxygen while anaerobic doesn't
      1. humans and animals carry out aerobic respiration
        1. micro organisms like yeast carry out anaerobic respiration
        2. Equation for areobic respiration
          1. Glucose +oxygen=Energy + carbon dioxide + water
          2. Test for CO2 it turns limewater milkey
            1. Test for water it turns cobalt chloride paper blue to pink
            2. Inhalation-breathing in Exhalation-breathing out
              1. breathing happens when animals take in oxygen and give out CO2 and water

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