Nazi domestic policies 1933-39


A mind map summarising all the key details of Nazi domestic policies for EdExcel GCSE History A Unit 2: Modern World Depth Study - Germany.
Matthew T
Mind Map by Matthew T, updated more than 1 year ago
Matthew T
Created by Matthew T over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Nazi domestic policies 1933-39
  1. Young people
    1. Education
      1. Teachers joined the Nazi Teachers' League
        1. Curriculum devoted to preparing students for future roles
          1. Physical education 15% of curriculum - healthy, fit Germans
            1. Boys - emphasis on military, Girls - emphasis on home crafts + cookery
              1. Race studies + eugenics lessons introduced
                1. Textbooks rewritten, Mein Kampf standard
                2. Youth organisations
                  1. Membership compulsory 1936
                    1. Boys: German Young People (DJV) 10-14, Hitler Youth (HJ) 14-18 - emphasis on military skills + Nazi ideology
                      1. Girls: League of Young Girls (JMB) 10-14, League of German Maidens (BDM) 14-18 - similar, more domestic skills than military
                    2. Women
                      1. Traditional domestic role: Kinder, Kuche, Kirche
                        1. Reduced numbers of married women in employment (reversed in 1937 due to rearmament)
                          1. Increase in birth rate promoted by marriage loans + medals
                            1. Smoking + drinking discouraged
                              1. Appearance plain - long hair + skirts, no make-up
                              2. Employment
                                1. Rose to nearly 100% in 1938
                                  1. Labour Service Corps - all men 18-25 served for 6 months
                                    1. Projects for unemployed: autobahns + public works
                                      1. Conscription introduced for 2 years in 1935
                                        1. Rearmament - jobs in heavy industry
                                          1. Invisible unemployment: Jews + married women struck off roll
                                          2. Standard of living
                                            1. Decreased
                                              1. Labour Front removed workers' rights - no strikes
                                                1. Longer working hours + cost of living higher
                                                  1. Policies (SdA + KdF) not always effective (required worker input)
                                                    1. Volkswagen scheme not put in place - money never refunded
                                                    2. Increased
                                                      1. Wages higher
                                                        1. Strength through Joy (KdF) - cheap leisure activities (Prora holiday camp etc.)
                                                          1. Beauty of Labour (SdA) - improved working conditions
                                                            1. Volkswagen cars promised + autobahns improved transport
                                                          2. Minority groups
                                                            1. Slavs
                                                              1. Romani
                                                                1. Homosexuals
                                                                  1. Mentally/Physical disabled
                                                                    1. Methods: sterilisation, euthanasia, concentration camps
                                                                    2. Jews
                                                                      1. 1933: Boycott of businesses
                                                                        1. 1934: Removal from high-powered jobs
                                                                          1. 1935: Nuremberg Laws denied citizenship + marriage
                                                                            1. Star of David introduced - mandatory
                                                                              1. 1938: Enforced names (Israel + Sara)
                                                                                1. 9 Nov 1938: Kristallnacht - fierce attack on businesses + synagogues due to attack in Parisian embassy
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